Here are some tips for removing sweat and oil stains from a geometric bedding set:

Pretreat immediately.

Blot any fresh stains with a spill remover or mix of dish soap and water before washing. This draws out oils.

Use cold water.

Hot water can set stains by cooking them into fibers. Warm is best for oil/sweat.

Try a stain remover.

Look for ones for perspiration or grease. Test in inconspicuous area first.

Make a baking soda paste.

Mix baking soda with just enough water to form a thick paste. Gently rub on stains before washing.

Soak in enzyme presoak.

Add 1-2 tablespoons to a basin of cold water and soak for 30 minutes before washing.

Add vinegar to the rinse cycle.

The acetic acid in vinegar helps remove soap buildup hindering stain removal.

Try an absorbent such as cornstarch.

Apply lightly to stains and let sit under sunlight if possible.

Launder regularly.

Frequent washing helps prevent oil/sweat buildup leading to more ingrained stains.

Bleach sparingly as last resort.

Use non-chlorine bleach or oxygen-based bleach for stubborn cases in a well-ventilated area.

Patience and quick treatment are key to retaining your geometric bedding’s patterns and colors over time.