As mentioned, incontinence is everything from losing a few drops to a full bladder or bowel movement. Incontinence isn’t a condition as such, but a symptom of an underlying issue. For that reason, if you’re experiencing any leakage, it’s always worth discussing it with your doctor.

That said, there are many reasons why incontinence can occur. Some examples are:

  • Weakened pelvic floor muscles. This group of muscles sits in the base of the pelvis like a hammock, running from the pubic bone in the front to the tail bone at the back. They play a critical role in bladder and bowel control as they’re the muscles you squeeze when you want to ‘hang on’ or stop wind from passing. Weakening occurs with age and is also impacted by pregnancy and childbirth. This is one of the most common causes of bladder leakage, especially among women.
  • An enlarged prostate. As men age, their prostate gets larger. This gland sits just below the bladder, and the urethra (the tube urine is expelled through) passes through it. As the prostate gets bigger, it squeezes the urethra, making urinating difficult and can result in small amounts of urine being left in the bladder. This remaining urine irritates the bladder causing it to contract unexpectedly, resulting in involuntarily voiding. This is the most common cause of incontinence among men.
  • An infection in the urinary tract, also known as UTI, can cause the bladder to contract and expel urine unexpectedly and involuntarily.
  • People who are overweight, have a smoker’s cough or suffer from persistent constipation can put excessive stress on their pelvic floor and bladder.
  • Diseases or injuries that affect messages being generated or the relaying of those messages between the bladder and brain can cause incontinence. Examples are dementia, spinal cord injury, diabetes, and Multiple Sclerosis
  • Physical ability. Having a disability or arthritis, or being age frail or extremely unwell, can make getting to the toilet and adjusting clothing in time impossible.
Adult Nappies for Men