There are different types and classes of foam concentrate, each designed for specific types of fires and fuel sources. The types and classes of foam concentrate are classified by Fire monitor valve foam equipment manufacturer on their performance characteristics.

The different types of foam concentrate include:

Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF): AFFF is a synthetic foam concentrate that creates a thin film on the fuel surface, which suppresses the fire and prevents reignition.

Alcohol-resistant aqueous film-forming foam (AR-AFFF): AR-AFFF is a specialized foam concentrate designed to extinguish fires involving polar solvents, such as ethanol and methanol.

Protein foam: Protein foam is a natural foam concentrate made from animal protein, which creates a thick blanket of foam that suppresses the fire.

Fluoroprotein foam: Fluoroprotein foam is a protein-based foam that is enhanced with fluorinated surfactants, which provide better resistance to fuel contamination.

The different classes of foam concentrate include:

Class A foam: Class A foam is a foam concentrate designed for use on Class A fires, which involve ordinary combustibles, such as wood, paper, and cloth.

Class B foam: Class B foam is a foam concentrate designed for use on Class B fires, which involve flammable liquids, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, and oil.

Class C foam: Class C foam is a foam concentrate designed for use on Class C fires, which involve energized electrical equipment.

Class D foam: Class D foam is a foam concentrate designed for use on Class D fires, which involve reactive metals, such as magnesium, titanium, and sodium.

Overall, the type and class of foam concentrate used will depend on the specific application and the type of fire that is being extinguished. It is important to use the correct type and class of foam concentrate to ensure effective fire suppression and prevent the fire from reigniting.